Monday, August 31, 2020

The Wonderful Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds!

As a child my mother and I had a tradition during the months of autumn: pumpkin carving! We would open them and scoop out their insides, being careful to save every seed. She would then lightly salt them, roast them in the oven and talk about how much healthier they were for me then all the candy I would soon be eating and the many benefits of pumpkin seeds. I never really considered them as more than a tasty snack, but there are plenty of benefits of pumpkin seeds, both roasted and raw. ridomil gold

Just one ounce of pumpkin seeds contain 333mg of phosphorous, which is a critical mineral to our bone formation and cell repair. Calcium isn't the only thing needed for strong bones. We also have to have phosphorus and too many calcium supplements can block the absorption of this vital mineral in our bodies. One of the benefits of pumpkin seeds is to balance out the overabundance of calcium so our body can function better. rasi seeds

Tired? The other benefit of the phosphorus is that it helps get rid of fatigue and weakness, helping us maintain proper brain functions. Phosphorous is the second most abundant mineral in our bodies and these seeds include a generous helping of this mineral. seeds online

Wondering what else pumpkin seeds can offer for nutrition? The 223mg of the electrolyte potassium found in them helps lower blood pressure, promotes quicker healing, helps with migraines and is a natural pain desensitizer. In researching pumpkin seed nutrition, I came across a mineral I had never heard of before: Manganese. This trace mineral is found in minute amounts in our pancreas, kidney, liver and bones. It helps regulate blood sugar and is crucial for nerve and brain function. A component of the antioxidant SOD, this mineral helps to fight free radicals. The damage to our DNA and cell membranes caused by free radicals can be prevented and even reduced by antioxidants. Having low levels of Manganese in our bodies can cause seizures, affect our fertility and contribute to fatigue. Manganese should only be taken as a supplement under the care of a medical professional but in this case, we can indulge ourselves with pumpkin seeds and reap the same benefits. vnr seeds

Manganese, phosphorous and calcium work with one another in our bodies and the big benefits of pumpkin seeds is that they contain all of these. More nutritional benefits are numerous vitamins including Vitamin C, B1 and Niacin and folate, the natural form of folic acid whichis needed by our bodies to produce red blood cells, help support brain function and is an integral component of our spinal fluid. syngenta products

Roasted pumpkin seeds are extremely easy to make and can be made plain or with either butter or olive oil. They can be eaten in numerous ways, including raw or added to your favourite recipes for a new interesting twist. One innovative way to get the benefits of pumpkin seeds is to grind roasted seeds in the coffee grinder and add it to your favourite cereals, on white rice or even vegetables. rasi

The benefits of these seeds are enormous and they are not limited to seasonal availability either. You can find them at your local market or even online from specialty sites. So go out and grow your own or pick some up and indulge in the multiple nutritional health benefits of pumpkin seeds!

How to Start Tomatoes From Seed

Who does not want to pick luscious tomatoes from their own home garden and then use it for some delicious tomato recipe? And if you want to call it all your own, you would not want to buy a seedling from a garden store, but actually start it right from the seed. The best part is that it is not at all difficult to start your plant from the seed. All you need is just a little planning. Here are some steps and some ideas to help you start.

The first thing you need to keep in mind, since you are starting your plant from the seed is, you will need to begin about 6-8 weeks before the last anticipated frost. This period can range from January to March depending on the region that you live in. The idea is to get your seedlings ready for the growing season when the temperature is just ideal for the planting and growing of the tomato plant. syngenta seeds

You will also need to make a decision about the variety that you want to grow. If you do not have much space in your home, you may want to pick a variety that does not spread too much and instead just grows to a certain level and then stops. If you have a whole garden, then you can easily choose a variety that spreads out as it grows. lancer gold

The color and the ripening time are also factors that you may want to consider. You can choose from a variety of colors such as red, yellow, orange, cherokee purple and so on. Different varieties ripen at different times during the growing season. Picking varieties that ripen at different times can ensure you get a steady supply of fresh tomatoes throughout the growing season. antracol

Now, what you need is a small container in which you can fill some sterile seed starting soil mix. Now plant the seeds about 1/4 inches deep into the seed starting material so that it can absorb enough moisture during the germination process. All you need to do to is to keep the seeds moist and warm. The soil temperature should ideally be around 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit. mahyco

To make sure the soil stays moist, keep it covered with a plastic sheet but ensure there is adequate air circulation present. Remember, the soil mix should not get dry, although you do not want to make the mistake of over-watering the seeds also. Excess water will only lead to fungal growth which will destroy the seedlings. madhulika

Once you see the first sprouts, it is time to provide them with full light and cooler temperatures so they do not become too leggy. A south-facing window or a fluorescent light bulb will serve the purpose quite well. saaf fungicide

As soon as the first set of true leaves appear, it is time to plant the seedlings into 4 inch pots where the roots can grow properly. Before transplanting them outside in the garden or into bigger containers that will be kept outdoors, make sure to harden off the plants by leaving them outdoors at night. upl products

Now, your seedlings are ready to be transplanted in their right place where they can grow and flourish. However, while you are transplanting, make sure that you do not damage the roots. And do not forget that watering and fertilizing will help you grow healthy plants with healthy and nutritious fruits.

Easy to Grow Herb Garden Seeds

For many people interested in growing their own herbs, one of the most commonly asked questions is: "can I plant herbs from seeds? And if so, what are the best herb garden seeds to plant?" Since not all herbs are easy to grow from seed, that is a great  I have the answer. nativo fungicide

I've compiled a list of some herbs that are easy to grow directly from seed. You can start these herbs inside your home in late winter, or you can plant them directly into your garden in early spring. If you're unsure about when you can safely plant outside in your climate just ask someone at your local nursery when it's usually safe to plant outdoors in the spring for your location. oberon

You won't need to plant a big garden, you can even plant many varieties of herbs in your borders around other plantings or in containers on your deck. And of course, you can have an indoor herb garden and a windowsill herb garden. It's up to you, the room you have available, and what you plan to use the herbs for, these things will dictate how many plants you can plant. namdhari seeds

Here is a short list of some of the most commonly used herbs that do well when grown directly from seeds:

1. Basil. This herb is used in many recipes and is a great fresh herb to have handy. It should be spaced about a foot apart. When full grown basil will be about a 18" tall. bayer pesticides

2. Lavender. This herb is used for relaxation. It can be dried and placed in an aromatherapy bag. To dry it, just hang it upside down in an enclosed space, such as a shed or garage.

3. Chives. These herbs are pretty so even if you don't have any other use for them they will add beauty wherever you decide to grow them. They will get about 12" tall when fully grown and are very hardy. bayer products

Of course, this is only a partial list, but you get the idea, you have a lot of choices when looking for the best herb garden seeds to plant in your home herb garden.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Benefits of Anise - A Natural Fat Burning Food


Discover the incredible weight loss benefits of anise, how to best prepare it and how much you should use to get maximum benefit from anise - one of nature's amazing fat burning foods. Anise, alternately referred to as aniseed and sweet cumin, is categorized as both a vegetable and an herb; it is part of the same family where you would find fennel, dill, caraway, and cumin.  The leaves, seeds, and flowers of anise can be put into foods as well as different medications.  The anise plant is tall and has small, feathery green leaves. The plant has white flowers and its fruit, which is frequently referred to as a seed, has the appearance of a ribbed seed. Ripened anise seeds are greenish brown or gray-green in color.  Anise tastes somewhat like fennel with a hint of licorice flavour. oberon

Fat Fighting Benefits of Anise

The medicinal qualities of anise have been known to man as far back as the ancient Egyptians and Romans. Anise aids in the body's digestion and fat metabolism.  In the Middle East, India, and in parts of Europe, anise is used as a breath freshener.  Acting as a mild expectorant, you will often find anise in cough drops and cough medicine. It also has a diuretic effect, allowing the body to eliminate toxins. Anise also acts as an antiseptic or an antispasmodic.  The anise plant is home to some volatile oils, like: anethole, methylchavicol and terpenes, furanocumarins, flavonoids, phenylpropanoids, rutin, and sterols.  Anise is also known to help a person regain equilibrium and reduce stress and tension. namdhari seeds

Preparing Foods With Anise

Bakers make very good use of anise seeds, which are used to bake different types of cookies, including biscotti or springerle. You can also use them to bake breads or make sausages.  Anise seeds are used to season curry and hoisin, and can also be the foundation for herbal tea.  Just as in making any other infusion, to create an herbal tea using anise, pour a cup boiling water over the anise and allow it to sit for 5 minutes. Then strain the liquid and drink it.  Once the plant is harvested, the anise seeds should be dried and then kept in a cool, dark location. nativo fungicide

Anise seed in usually available in Indian spice stores and in the spice section of many grocery stores.  Anise seeds are frequently used in Chinese cooking, where they are used to flavor poultry and to prepare foods that are supposed to simmer for a long time.  You will also find anise seed in Chinese soups and bases. Star anise, a spice from China, is frequently used in place of anise. More powerful than regular anise, you only use about 1/3 as much of this spice.  Distilled anise oils are used to flavor licorice. bayer pesticides

How Much To Use

How much anise seed you require depends on what you are trying to cook. Keep in mind, you really only need a little bit to get the job done. How much you require to make herbal teas depends on which form of anise you use. bayer products

The following serves as a rule of thumb:

When using parts of a fresh plant, you will need  cup.

When using dried anise, you need 2 tablespoons.

When using bark or seeds, use a tablespoon of bark, and twice as much seed.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Herb Garden Seeds


Seeds are the lifeline of all herbs and plants. Before any herb passes on, it produces seeds to continue the next generation of plants. They are obviously an important piece of the puzzle in growing any type of herb. Also, the best part of many herbs is in the seeds. Next time you're eating a spicy pepper, try eating a piece of the pepper without any seeds and then try eating the seeds. You'll notice a huge difference in spice as the spiciest part of hot peppers is in the seeds. oberon

Other herbs that have very useful seeds are fennel seeds, cumin, flax seed, black pepper seeds, and many others. Fennel seeds are used for their amazing flavor, common in Italian sausages. Cumin seeds have an amazing nutty and peppery flavor; this seed is a major ingredient in the making of curry. Flax seed is a very popular nutritional seed that contains the highly beneficial Omega 3 fatty acids. Black pepper seeds are also a great way to add flavor to your food, and the list useful herb seeds goes on and on. namdhari seeds

So how does one go about acquiring these amazingly beneficial herb garden seeds? Harvesting herb seeds is a bit different than harvesting other parts of an herb plant. When harvesting seeds, you need to do so quickly or they will fall to the ground and replant themselves. In order to harvest seeds before thy start to fall, shake, cut, or pick the seeds. Each herb will have its own unique way of telling you the seeds are ready to harvest. Usually the seeds are ripe for the picking when they are no longer green and are instead a brown or black color. The best way to store the seeds are in a brown paper bag in a dry location. nativo fungicide

Seeds are the flavor centers of many great herbs. Not only that, but many seeds are also very useful as medicines as well. But whatever herbs you are growing, the seeds will always be useful in replanting your favorite herbs. So get ready for your next set of plants and start collecting those herb garden seeds. bayer pesticides

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Papaver Somniferum Seeds - Use Breadseed Poppies For Garden Appeal


Papaver somniferum seeds are easy to germinate and grow, take very little care, and are annual flowers that are self seeding which means that they will keep new plants coming every year. One of the most beloved flowers on planet earth, poppies come in so many sizes and shapes, colors and environmentally adaptable varieties that one or more is perfect for every gardening need. While California poppies are great for containers and Oriental poppies work beautifully into herbaceous borders and Meconopsis varieties add great color to moist, shady spots, Papaver somniferum (breadseed poppies) with their vast range of colors are great additions to any kind of garden. oberon

Perhaps you haven't even considered that flowers could be a beneficial addition when planted among the vegetables. Certain plants like marigolds have offensive odors which discourage harmful insects while the pollen of other plants like poppies attract bees and insects which unwittingly cross pollinate your plants as they go along with their business. In addition, the blooms add eye appeal to all the greenery of the vegetables and make your garden a very pleasant area to work in. namdhari seeds

The Papaver somniferum varieties are excellent for both flower and vegetable gardens. They provide color and contrast in borders with their great range of sizes and hues. Queens - pale pink with white centers, a graceful flower to use among herbaceous plants Papaver somniferum Album - creamy white colors - use as a backdrop Papaver somniferum Giganteum - Huge blooms atop a four foot stem

nativo fungicide

To make anyone's poppy collection complete, your garden cannot be without Papaver somniferum seeds. With a multitude of flower shapes and colors, there is no reason why they would not be included. Bright Red varieties and the Lilac with its single petals bring traditional poppy colors to the garden and if you want a more dramatic effect, try the Danish Flag or Drama Queen specimens. The feathery petaled Lavender semi-double adds dash and the breadseed poppies like Single Scarlet Fringe give blooms which outshine most others. bayer pesticides

These poppies are annuals which mean they are self seeding and produce copious amounts of seeds each season. This is a constant supply of plants ensuring continuing coverage without further expense. These plants are able to survive and even flourish in poor soil if need be and can boost your poppy collection to great numbers. Papaver somniferum seeds germinate quickly, produce plants which are easy to grow and maintain, and are perfect for landscapers who need a steady supply of new plants. Use of these wonderful poppies means every garden, whether flower or vegetable, will have the addition of beauty throughout the spring and summer every year. bayer products

So with that said...

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Best Pumpkin Seeds Recipe Ever


When you have finished a jar of pickles at home, instead of throwing away the remaining liquid, use the pickle juice for making a great snack.

This recipe doesn't require any time at all. No greasy, sugar stuff, no special kitchen equipment! All what you need is: some pumpkin seeds (fresh or dry), pickle juice in a jar (any kind), pizza baking sheet and oven. oberon

Pickle juice contains salt, calcium chloride and vinegar, in addition to many other elements. It cures muscles cramps, hiccups, hangover and other dysfunctions related to excessive body fluid loss. It is a popular athletics drink, cocktails ingredient, diet supplement and secret Chief cook trick for adding in salads, marinades, and ready meals. namdhari seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain fiber, unsaturated fatty acids, protein, carbohydrates, manganese, selenium, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, potassium, beta-carotene, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, and vitamin B6 and used for healthy cooking of many other foods and recipes. Eating pumpkin seeds helps with hair loss, dental caries, getting rid of intestinal parasites like tapeworm, digestion health, healthy kidney and prostate function, healthy vision, atrophy, abnormal growth, inflammation, cystitis, cardiovascular diseases, mental health. Adding pumpkin seeds to your diet will lower cholesterol levels and strengthen immune system. nativo fungicide

Follow The Easiest Five Steps:

* Rinse fresh seeds under cold water and pick out the pulp and strings.(This is easiest just after you've removed the seeds from the pumpkin, before the pulp has dried. You can use this recipe for dry pumpkin seeds as well.)

* Soak them over 3 or more nights in a pickle juice jar.

* Drain seeds and place them in a single layer on a pizza baking sheet.

* Preheat oven on broil hi temperature ( about 400F ). Broil pumpkin seeds on the same pizza baking sheet until toasted about 10-15 minutes, checking and stirring often.(Light golden color and wonderfully crunchy texture are fine!)

* Let cool and store in an air-tight container.

Pumpkin seeds are the best natural organic remedy for body detox cleansing. Adding them to your diet will lower cholesterol levels and strengthen immune system. They contain omega fat acids and a high amount of magnesium which has a calming effect on the brain. Their nutritive value is: bayer pesticides

Vitamin A: 70 I.U.

Vitamin B:

Thiamine:.24 mg

Riboflavin:.19 mg.

Niacin: 2.4 mg.

Calcium: 51 mg.

Iron: 11.2 mg.

Phosphorus: 1,144 mg.

Fat: 46.7 gm.

Carbohydrates: 15.0 gm.

Protein: 29.0 gm.

Enjoy this healthy non-toxic recipe! Find out more of how to make it with the video and pictures here [out] . All the best natural nutritional supplements for body detox cleansing include pumpkin seeds. In fact, the most popular and famous Paranil, a liver and colon purifying complex, is based on pumpkin seeds. bayer products

Monday, August 24, 2020

Storing Seeds


How long do seeds last? This is a question that is often ask and is quite important at this time of year (Spring) because if you use old seeds and wait a while for them to germinate three weeks growing time could easily be lost.

You can easily see the problem with this if you are hoping for early tomatoes or to get broad beans going for the kitchen. It is a fact of nature that some seeds will last years and others are only good for the year that they are bought. syngenta products

Apart from the fact of the actual 'nature ' of the seed itself; the way that your store your seeds is also quite important.

Store in a cool dry place: this is what is often written on the packet and that is just what should be done. Seeds should not be: vnr seeds

1. Exposed to damp. Moisture is one of the triggers of growth and therefore the longer you can keep you seeds dry the better. They do not need to be very dry but should be kept at a humidity level of 25-35%. To make sure that it keeps dry it is a good idea to add a little anhydrous calcium chloride, silica gel, or a few grains of rice. upl products

2. Exposed to light. Light is any of the growth triggers and it is best to keep the seeds in total darkness. This is not difficult to do; just keep them in the packet and in a tin.

3. Store in a warm house. However, what is the right temperature; this really depends on the seed but 40-45 degrees is about right form most seeds. ridomil gold

There are a few problems with the storing of seeds:

1. Your seeds can be attached with Mildew or Mould if they are not quite dry when you put them in store. This would be more of a problem with home grown seeds rather then bought seeds.

2. Hungry insects can ruin your seeds if you let them. Weevils and little borers are always on the look out.

3. Rodents will eat anything in the winter so it is important to protect you seeds from them

All of the above problems can be over come by keeping your seeds in a suitable contain, like an old biscuit tin. Do not use a glass jar because of the light and do not use plastic boxes because rodents will happily chew through that to get at your seeds. rasi seeds

There is a way to test the quality of your stored seeds; it is quite easy to perform. If you look at a seed packet, you should see printed there the legal germination percentage.

Test your seed by cutting two round pieces of blotting paper and fitting them inside sauces, damping the paper and setting out between 20-100 seeds on each. Place a second saucer on top of each and put them inside an airing cupboard or anywhere that will have a temperature of 20-27% C (68-80% F) for three weeks. The bring them out and count how many seeds have sprouted. seeds online

If your percentage is lower than the one on the seed packet, sow rather more to avoid wasting garden space. Seed testing time should start at the end of winter or the beginning of spring.

Is it Worth the Effort Growing Tomatoes From Seeds?


There are some people that prefer to plant tomatoes beginning with the seed, while other people prefer to start with the seedling. The method you choose will of course depend on you, however let us consider some benefits and tips for beginning with the seed, and then you can decide if it is worth it. syngenta seeds


In order to begin the planting of tomatoes in your garden, a transplant is needed. This is the seedling plant of the tomato that is first grown in a small container. This seedling is then transplanted from the container to the garden. It is highly unlikely that you will be successful in planting your tomatoes if you were just to plant the seeds in your garden. Both the seeds and the seedlings can be purchased at a garden shop, home improvement store or hardware shop. lancer gold

Advantages of Using the Seeds

If you plan to grow your own transplant or seedling directly from the tomato seeds, you will first have to bear a few things in mind. For one, the seeds require approximately 6-8 weeks to mature into a seedling and so you would have to plant them about 2 months before the time you plan to plant them in your garden. The main advantage of this method is that there are a wide variety of tomato seeds that you can choose from, much more than what will be available to you at the store as a seedling. saaf fungicide Generally retail stores will have seedlings in 2 varieties of cherry tomatoes, 2 varieties of specialty tomatoes, and about 5 or 6 varieties of the standard tomatoes. On the other hand, there are hundreds of varieties of tomatoes seeds for you to choose from. These you can find in online catalogs, at your garden shop and so on. Also, if you were to begin from the seeds you would have more control over the process, as you would determine how they are planted, fertilized and maintained before transplanting. In the cases when you are growing organic tomatoes this would be very important. antracol

Disadvantage of Using the Seeds

Nevertheless, there are also disadvantages associated with this method. You would have to buy additional supplies like potting soil, flats, and small containers. You would also have more maintenance work to do. You would have to plant the seeds, water them and transplant them to a small container from a flat before having them ready as seedlings. Also, the seeds need to be grown under special conditions, preferable indoors. You would therefore have to find somewhere suitable to grow them, and this must be an area that has a lot of sun and is warm. The ideal place would be a sun room. mahyco


So, if you are not able to find a good location, and cannot be bothered with all the mess from growing the seed indoor, probable buying the seedling is your best choice. However, if you are more concerned with growing a particular variety that is not available as a seedling, then for you, it would definitely be worth it. It would also be worth it for those peoples who love variety and find joy in working their hands in the soil. madhulika

Organic Container Gardening Produces the Healthiest Vegetable - Home Garden Plans Make it Happen!

Alongside the re-emergence of the desire to grow healthy food has come awareness that the earth's supply of mineral-derived energy is limited. Simplistic gardening with chemical fertilizers is becoming a thing of the past as the new generation of gardeners is learning to do without the petrochemicals on which gardening has become dependent, and to rely solely on nature's very own methods. People are rediscovering the value of waste organic matter - animal and vegetable. Methods of making compost and of keeping animals in the garden are again being treated as matters of crucial importance. oberon

The whole question of chemical versus organic container gardening is still, at the present time, a major controversy. In my view the best proof is in the eating. My own garden is far from perfect. I sow more than I can reap, like most serious gardeners, and end up with too many weeds, not enough time to hoe them, and occasionally crops that I am ashamed of. But on the whole my garden is lush and 'fertile, and I grow a great deal of produce in it. Orthodox gardeners, who use chemicals on their gardens, come and look at my crops sometimes and refuse to believe that I put no inorganic fertilizer on them. But I don't: not an ounce of artificial nitrogen has gone on my land for thirteen years now. And even when the weeds do overwhelm me, I am often surprised that there seems to be fertility enough for them and my crops. This year my onions, carrots and parsnips, which were all inter planted with each other, were neglected and overrun with weeds. And yet out of the mess, I have dug large and beautiful carrots and parsnips, and the onions, all hanging in strings now, are twice as big as my fist, luscious and firm. namdhari seeds

I am not advocating the cultivation of weeds. But rather than douse them with some "selective weed spray" (which is only selective up to a point of course - if a chemical damages one form of life you can be sure that it will do at least some damage to 'many other forms of life), I would rather have a few weeds and maybe a slightly smaller crop. I am surprised when I read the advice of many gardening writers that their readers should apply this or that amount of "complete fertilizer", or of some proprietary high-nitrogen chemical, or that the soil should be doused with herbicides, pesticides, or fungicides ("tide" means kill and no gardener should forget that fact). Applied nitrates definitely harm the soil in the long term, although it must be admitted that they have a dramatic effect on the growth of crops in soil that is already hooked on them - that is to say soil which therefore has no nitrogen capacity of its own. nativo fungicide

However, the main point that needs to be made is that some of the best garden - and farm - crops in the world are grown without any of these expensive and dangerous aids at all. The highest yield possible with any crop can be, and very often is, achieved without chemicals. But here there is a trap that many a would-be organic container gardener has fallen into. "I am 'organic'; I don't put any artificial fertilizers on my land", they say. But neither do they put anything else! Nothing will come out of nothing, and if you continue to take crops out of your soil and put nothing back you will eventually grow - well, next to nothing. bayer pesticides

If you see a garden, which is held to be organic, filled with nothing but miserable insect-eaten crops surrounded by weeds, it is probable that you have encountered this negative approach. Some advocates of organic container gardening also put forward eccentric notions like planting crops according to the phases of the moon, sprinkling tiny amounts of obscure substances on the soil, and so on. Plant seeds will germinate and plants will grow when temperature, humidity, and nutrients are right for them. bayer products

Friday, August 21, 2020

Growing Asparagus


Successfully growing asparagus means finding a balance between having a healthy root system, and good foliage growth. Both are needed to have a steady and long-term supply of this tasty vegetable. It can be started from seeds, or from roots, also called crowns. There are two opposing opinions about planting roots - either in a trench, or not. Whatever planting method you choose, growing asparagus requires some planning. upl products

Asparagus is a perennial that sets roots five to six feet in the ground once established. Wherever you start growing your asparagus, plan to leave it. It does not transplant easily. The first asparagus we planted was in an old oval stock tank. It was about three feet high, so we thought it was an easy way to simulate the trench plan. They did not like growing in the tank. Asparagus needs to be able to spread its roots five or six feet horizontally too. ridomil gold

The next attempt was the trench method as described on the packaging that the roots can in. Trenches about eighteen inches wide and twelve inches deep were dug. Composted manure was put in, then some sand, and then the roots. Out of the thirty roots planted, ten grew. The other method of growing asparagus from roots, without creating a trench, is simply to dig a hole for the roots, and plant them as you would most perennials. This method may well give you a better success rate of plants growing, but because the roots are closer to the surface, they should be protected for at least the first winter. It is recommended that organic matter such as composted manure, be added in the fall, however they were planted. rasi seeds

The first year, do not pick the asparagus. Let it open up into the fern, and mature. This part of growing asparagus is important as it needs to establish strong roots. Also, the matured growth should be left over winter to provide the roots with all the energy possible. The next year, spears can be harvested by snapping them off before the fern branches unfold from the main stem. seeds online

With such a poor rate of success with growing asparagus from roots, I decided to try seeds. I made very shallow rows in the open spaces of the rows the roots had been planted in. The tiny seeds took very well, and wintered well. They will not be mature enough to actually eat for several years but they are growing. vnr seeds

Asparagus is a vegetable that has a taste similar to corn. Because it is a perennial, it is the first vegetable to be harvested in spring. Many people are not introduced to it in childhood, and so must acquire a liking for it. Getting a bed started takes some work, as does most gardening. If you enjoy eating it, you will appreciate growing your own asparagus. syngenta products

Chia Seed Recipes


Chia seeds come from the salvia hispanica plant. This flowering plant belongs to the mint family. Its origins are Guatemala and southern Mexico. These seeds are a great source of fiber, amino acids, antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids. They can be used in various chia food recipes to enhance your nutrition. antracol

These seeds are known for boosting energy, providing energy, regulating blood sugar among other things. They are a tasty addition to other foods since the flavor is not overwhelming. This means they can be sprinkled on salads, baked in bread, added to smoothies and puddings or any other idea you can come up with to enjoy eating them. Below you will find a couple of recipes with chia seeds for your cooking pleasure. lancer gold

Chia Seed Recipes

Honey Wheat Bread with Chia Seeds for Bread Machines

This recipe makes 1 large loaf of bread.


1/2 of a cup of whole-wheat flour

2 1/2 of a cup of white bread flour

1 1/2 Tablespoon of Honey

1 1/2 Tablespoon of dry milk

1 1/2 teaspoon of salt

1 1/2 teaspoon of fast-rising yeast or bread machine yeast

1/4 cup chia seeds

1 cup of lukewarm water

2 Tablespoons of softened butter


In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients together except the yeast and Chia set aside. Place the water and softened butter in the pan for the bread machine. Add the dry ingredients from the bowl. Make a well in the center of the flour and pour the yeast into it. mahyco

Place pan in bread machine and set it on wheat bread setting and on the desired darkness of crust. Press start to begin mixing the bread, and, at the appropriate time, the machine will sound an alert that it is time to add the chia foods (this holds true for other additions such as fruit or nuts). Add the Chia and allow the bread to finish. Remove the bread when it finishes baking and let it cool on a wire rack for at least 30 to 60 minutes before slicing. It can be served with your favorite bread toppings. madhulika

Please, enjoy this one of the chia seed recipes along with other recipes for chia food products that can be found online. Remember these tiny seeds add a great deal of nutrition to any dish. See what recipes for them that you can think up on your own! saaf fungicide

How to Start Vegetable Seeds Early (Indoors)


1.         Make sure to follow the planting guidelines for how early to start seeds indoors before planting them outside. Some seeds can be started indoors a couple of months early, while other seeds should be started within weeks of transplanting them outdoors. oberon

2.         Use the right soil to start your seeds in. I have found that potting soil is terrible for starting seeds in. Yes, potting soil is rich in nutrients but the soil is very light and can allow the seed to be uprooted when watered even lightly. I prefer a mix of good garden soil and compost soil. You will get a nice medium bodied soil with loads of nutrients. You can also purchase seed starting soil from garden centers which works just fine. namdhari seeds

3.         Make sure you have adequate lighting available for your plants. During the first week or two while the seeds are just starting to germinate, sunlight is not as important. However, once the seedlings emerge from the soil sunlight becomes very important. Adequate lighting can be natural light from a window or artificial lighting from fluorescent or plant lights. nativo fungicide

4.         It is usually best to make sure the plants (especially during germination) are in a greenhouse type environment. Store bought mini "bio domes" work great as well as putting them in a clear sided container with some plastic or even saran wrap over the top. You can remove the plastic lid on your container once almost all of the seedlings have emerged. Having an enclosed area will help keep the soil warm and moist. bayer pesticides

5.         Make sure to water the plants but not too much. The soil should be kept just damp and not soaking wet to the touch.

6.         I like to start my seeds in peat pots which can be found in many different sizes. These pots allow you to transplant the seedlings to the garden without disturbing the root system since the whole pot gets buried in the ground. If timed correctly I find that the peat pots are almost falling apart by the time I plant them. bayer products

7.         Before transplanting (minimum a week) your seedlings to your garden, be sure to harden off the seedlings to the outdoor conditions by setting them out in a sunny location during the day then bring them inside if the temperatures dip to low in the evenings. This will reduce further the transplant shock that the plant can go through when they are planted to the garden. syngenta seeds

Thrive From Personal Planted Seeds - Applying the Law of Gender and Gestation


During visits with others, has the topic ever come up about what you are doing, or where you are going? If so, then you are likely aware that the conversation often turns to a brainstorming session where most in attendance voice their thoughts of what they think would be a good idea for you to pursue. They plant an idea into your head and you then have a choice to grow this seed or not. upl productss

This describes the beginning effects of the Law of Gender and Gestation. This law states that in nature there are always gender roles for new life to grow. For new life to begin, a new seed must be planted which then needs to be properly nourished. In nature, there are also circumstances where a single entity will take on both responsibilities; the planter and the nurturer. The same holds true for the "growth" in our lives. If we are to attain what ourselves truly desire, we must take on both roles. ridomil gold

For instance, as I was raised the question was asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up"? At a young age I often responded inconclusively, whereupon my loving parents would give suggestions for careers and education they felt would most likely suit my abilities. I would take that to heart; I would plant their idea-seed in my soil. Following, I would take steps to pursue my parent's loving guidance; I would nurture that seed until it grew. Even as I continued into adulthood, with children of my own, I would take the thoughts and ideas of others, see them for what they could be and pursue nurturing them as well. These seeds have always been able to "bear fruit" for me and my family, but I came to realize, that although good and nutritious, the fruit I was harvesting was not the fruit I loved to consume. I was surviving from its nutrients, I wasn't thriving. rasi seeds

Through this, we can learn that our ideas and thoughts, which lead to our actions, can be influenced by outside sources; whether these sources are good or bad. Our own minds have the capacity of producing thousands of original seeds that will bring about an abundance of fruit under proper care. Plant your own idea seeds. Others will attempt and try to plant seeds in your mind, such as media, friends, or parents, but your own personal mind creates thousands under its own capacity. seeds online

Are the ideas that come to your mind good, or are they bad? It is important to understand that the ideas produced by our minds are greatly influenced by outside input. If you desire to have a good seed then surround yourself in a good environment with positive, uplifting, and good sources of input. In the book Hidden Treasures, authored by Leslie Householder, it states, "Plant good seeds by creating a new, prosperous idea for your life. You have the power to create a picture in your mind that is completely original". It is contrary to the laws of nature to have a bad seed produce good fruit, just as certain that it is impossible for a good seed to produce bad fruit. vnr seeds

The second effect of this law is the gestation period of the seed. Gestation incites an incubation period promoting growth and development. However, this must be done properly as well. For example, if I were to plant my seed and then continuously flood it with water day after day, the seed would not survive and I would prohibit it from developing, no matter how good of a seed it was. The same would be true if I nurtured my seed perfectly, but was just so worried that it wasn't growing properly that I would pull it from the ground to check on its progress. syngenta products Such an action would kill my seed as well. You need to know that you have planted a good seed, that you are doing everything you can do to nurture it properly, and you need to let it be. Let nature run its course; nature knows how to do it. We don't need to know how it runs it course, just as we don't need to know how a seed begins to develop under proper care. We just know that it does was it does. The same holds true for the idea seeds of our minds. When you have set a goal, and generated a perfect new idea seed for you life, nurture it by all that you can do, but do it with patience. Don't worry that the next day you don't have corn popping out of the ground, be at peace knowing that your seed is gathering to itself all it needs to produce the corn when the timing is correct. There is great peace in being patient when you know you have done all that you know to do and you allow nature to run its course as well. In the proper and perfect time, your seed you have planted will produce fruit from which you can thrive. rasi

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds - Recipes For Prostate Health


Fall is the time for pumpkins and Jack-O-Lanterns. But did you know that the seeds that are often discarded have great health benefits? Roasted pumpkin seeds contain cucurbitacin. This active ingredient helps to retard the enlargement of the prostate gland. Cucurbitacin also helps prevent bladder infections and incontinence. Not only that, it can aid in digestion and ease hemorrhoids since it has very mild laxative properties. Follow these ideas and recipes for roasted pumpkin seeds for prostate health and family health. antracol

Preparation: Fill a big bowl full of water. As you remove the seeds from the pumpkin, put the seeds in the water. This will help to clean them and the goop will end up at the bottom of the bowl. Place the seeds on a paper towel to dry. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Seeds will need to roast for about 8-10 minutes to be golden. To allow seasonings to stick to the seeds, you can use a few teaspoons of olive or canola oil, or an egg white. mahyco

Recipes: Rather than go out and buy special spices, simply raid your pantry. Try combination's of flavor like garlic, sea salt and pepper. Go exotic with curry, cajun or cayenne pepper (good for the intestinal track and colon). Use salt substitutes, like Herbamare, or sea salt. Mix sweet and spicy - like cayenne pepper, cinnamon, cumin, brown sugar and sea salt. Combine garlic powder with crushed red peppers and sea salt. The combination's are endless and should reflect your personal preferences.  You will need several teaspoons of your spice blend for 3 cups of pumpkin seeds. madhulika

Suggested Uses: Add pumpkin seeds to everything for good health. Have the seeds whole for snacks or add them to vegetable dishes, salads, rice, bread mixes and muffins. Grind them up and sprinkle them over cereal, oatmeal or even rice pudding. saaf fungicide

Magic of Herbs - Health, Taste And Aroma


When it comes to eating, everyone has their own tastes and choices. While foods and eating must be looked at in a healthy perspective, many of us just bother with how it tastes and appears. Use of herbs for cooking is not hidden. In fact, the traditional conventional cooking had been known for the use of herbs made. The golden old recipes, even today, depict and smell of the herbal ingredients that were used raise the health, taste and aroma attributes of a dish. Let us take a glance at what are the various herbs for cooking and what do they have to provide us with. Oberon Some cooking herbs are in the form of flowers that are edible in nature. Carnation is a flower that can be used for extracting vinegar which can be used over fruit salads, as a seasoning. Various edible flower herbs can be used for preparation of flower salads which are great as heart curatives. Herbs like Horseradish, mint, basil leaves, pot marigold, calendula, bay leaves, chives, coriander, dill, lavender, marjoram, thyme, sage, oregano, parsley, rosemary, and so many more to add to the list - all these are useful herbs for cooking as they greatly contribute towards the relishing taste, mesmerizing aroma and beautiful health of any preparation. Herbal teas and other beverages are also commonly used by tea consumers for the hazard less benefits of drinking tea. namdhari seeds

Some herbs may not be used for cooking, but they still prove essential and additives for health. The way in which these herbs are used may not matter as much as the herbs health benefits provide by them. Some of the healthy herbs are mentioned below along with their benefits. nativo fungicide

American Ginseng - This herb is quite useful for enhancing the physical and mental vigorous behaviors. The constituents of this herb are savvy enough to extend some aid against depression, stress and exhaustion. It also causes the body functions to get back to normal. bayer pesticides

Astragalus - This herb promotes the induction of endurance in the body of the consumer, due to the activation of immune system that it triggers. It causes the reduction in high blood pressure and aids heart diseases and diabetes. It has well known herbs health benefits that elevate one's stamina and energy. bayer products

Bee pollen - The main benefit of this herb is that it attacks the aging system of the body and slows it down. The signs of aging that make one's skin look older can be smoothed out with the use of this herb. Along with appearance, this herb also, mentally and physically makes a person feel and show up to be younger. Chronic diseases like colitis and constipation or diarrhea can be cured with the help of this herb. syngenta seeds

Herb seeds are one more way in which one can access herbs for healthy purposes. The most common herb seeds used are those of the fenugreek and the sunflower, or sesame; and these can be found in every kitchen. Fenugreek seeds are used to cure numerous diseases and unhealthy conditions. One out of the many examples is the aid that fenugreek seeds provide to cure an itchy scalp. Sunflower seeds are used to extract sunflower oil which is known to be less calorific, less absorbed and high on saturated fat. Sunflower oil, unlike other oils, does not greatly contribute to the obesity and other health disorders. Also, sunflower seeds can be used to chew and this act keeps the teeth healthy, strong and white. Other herb seeds are alfalfa, hemp, aloe ferox, aloe, cape, burgundy, and Chinese red star. lancer gold