Thursday, September 3, 2020

Fabulous Flax Seed Meal


Flax seed meal is surprisingly tasty, with a nutty flavour and crunchy texture. It can be sprinkled over just about anything. My favourite snacks right now are cottage cheese mixed through with a tablespoon of meal, and also, boiling water over flax seed meal with peanut butter stirred in. Of course, it can be used in baking, on top of grains like rice, pasta, couscous and Bulgar wheat. It can be enjoyed in hot or cold cereals, in drinks such as smoothies, and in yogurt with fresh fruit. Basically, it can be used in anything! The best part is, a couple of cups cost me $0.70 and when only a tablespoon or two is used at a time, it goes a long way!

Not convinced?

Here are the benefits of flax seed meal:

-EXCELLENT source of fiber. 2 tablespoons will cover 1/4 of dietary requirements for the day. Fiber is great for weight loss. It will keep you full and aids digestion.

-2 Tbsp will give over 140% of recommended daily Omega-3 fatty acids. If you do not eat fish, THIS is your likely alternative. Omega-3 in the diet has an anti-inflammatory effect which is great for migraines, arthritis, and asthma. Omega-3 also protects bones and prevents against osteoporosis. bayer pesticides

-Protection against heart attack, cancer and strokes.

-Controls high blood pressure.

-Lowers cholesterol.

-Stabilizes blood sugar levels.

-A good source of magnesium. This is great for asthma sufferers. It opens and relaxes airways.

-High fiber foods promote restful and relaxed sleep patterns.

-Protects against breast cancer.

-Can reduce hot flashes in post menopausal women by up to 60%

Pretty good, huh?

2 Tablespoons of flax seed meal is between 95-130 calories and 5-10 grams of fat. As little as that seems, use sparingly. Especially in the beginning, and particularly if you are not used to a high fiber diet. Start with a teaspoon at a time and work your way up a little more each day to 2 tablespoons. bayer products

Preparing and storage

Buy flax seeds and grind them up in a coffee grinder for the freshest possible option. If you buy already ground be sure the flax meal is vacuum sealed, or stored in the fridge. When you get it home store it in the freezer. Flax seeds will last a long time in a cupboard but once they are ground, best to freeze, refrigerate or use very quickly. syngenta seeds


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